Thursday, April 29

Marginal Productivity

Quasi-productive past 24 hours from an educational (and personal) standpoint. What have I done? Well, to start off, I got an email from a girl who wants to buy my prom dress! WOOHOO! I put it up on craigslist yesterday thinking it was probably already too close to prom to sell it but lo and behold, someone wants it! Kinda sad to be selling it (such a pretty dress and lotsa great memories attached) but it's really just been taking up space in my closet.

After that I did indeed paint my nails. I did my fingers in OPI Elephantastic Pink, which turns out is a gorgeous colour!

I got it for christmas and was kinda hesitant to use it because in the bottle it looks incredibly Barbie-esque. But on my nails it's this gorgeously creamy pink that's just bright enough for the summer. Love! The picture (taken on my blackberry's terrible camera) doesn't do it justice - it's a lot more pigmented and definately more vivid. But what I really am quite proud of are my toes - I tried doing leopard print for the first time and it turned out pretty freakin' sweet if I do say so myself.

OPI Worth My Weight in Gold, OPI Ginger Bells, and Revlon Blackest Black.

Feet are so wierd. I'm going to try to start chronicalling all my manicures and pedicures here on this blog though, because I do have pretty spiffy looking nails most of the time and I think it'll be fun for me to show my grandkids when my nails are cracked and yellow that yes, at one point my nails did look nice.

Anyways, after that I started trying to collect all the design work I've done in the last few years, which was really hard to do because my computer crashed last year, so I had to scrounge for what I could through my email. I applied to be an exec for Sauder's Style and the City conference and my third choice was Creative Director so one of the chair's asked me to bring a portfolio of work. I was planning to print it all, but then realized that'd be a huge waste of ink and money so I threw together a website. I tried to do that last night but ended up on MSN chatting with friends. Oops.

Woke up at 1pm today (yesterday now I suppose) and had to rush and throw it all together. I haven't done any webdesign for literally a couple of years now so it took me a while to remember what to do. It turned out alright, though very plain because of the time pressure. Definately not the greatest work I've ever done. The work isn't very representative either because most of it is from my good ol' Xanga days. Still, you can check it out here:

That was definately a mad dash to the finish. I had to suit up, do my hair, and throw on makeup in literally 10 mins to make my bus to go to UBC for the interview, which I thought went pretty well. Fingers crossed anyways!

I got home at 9 and then put together my application to be an exec for Business Week because I really need to get a bit more involved at school. Alas, no studying has been accomplished for linguistics. That will have to start tomorrow.

Ok, 1:50 am. It's only been about 12 hours since I woke up but I feel like I should try to normalize my sleeping schedule so off to bed I go!

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