Friday, April 30

Surfing the Net and Other Mundane Activities

Another sorta productive day.  I woke up at 9 but figured it was too early for my brain to be even remotely functioning so I went back to sleep.  Woke up again at 11 and bummed around the house for a bit.  Went to the mall at 2 because it's my friend's last day working at her store so a bunch of us wanted to take advantage of the very generous discount she receives there.  So I bought a Luongo jersey and a sweet North Face goretex windbreaker (that I still spent waay too much on).  I felt kinda bad: when we got there we all sort of split up and while I was looking for a good windbreaker one of the sales guys was trying so hard to be super nice and help me but of course he wasn't going to receive any commission off his sale since I was getting it at at the employee discount price, which made me feel pretty terrible.

After that headed over to the library to study for my ling final tomorrow.  Took a while to get going (read: spent a couple hours wading through unread emails and surfing the net... oh wow that phrase makes me sound so un-hip but oh well) but once I got going my brain kicked into high gear.  About four hours of studying later and I'm pretty sure I know everything I need to.  It's really not that difficult of a course if you listen in class and have a reasonably analytical mind.  Went home, had dinner, and I've pretty much been bumming around since.  My final isn't until 7pm tomorrow so I pretty much have the entire day to review.  I feel like I should be worried about my lack of worry, but I'm just going to attribute it to the high calibre of studying I accomplished earlier :)

Oh something that made me lulz while studying: the name of the Hawaiian king who conquered the other islands in the 19th century was named Kamehameha, which totally reminds me of Dragonball Z.

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