Thursday, May 27

Here Comes the Rain Again...

Another busy, productive day in the life of Betty.  Ok well sort of anyways.  Woke up at 11 with good intentions to get my day going but ended up crawling back under the covers.  Fast forward an hour and a bit and I'm rushing to throw on some clothes and drive to Metrotown to meet up with Jesse and Aaron.  It was pretty fun.  They were pretty good sports about letting me shop in all the girl stores although they seriously underestimate me - I went to go try on a pair of shorts while they sat outside to wait.  When I came out two minutes later they seemed genuinely so surprised that I was done - when I asked why turns out they were expecting me to take at least 20 minutes.  Wutzadeuce lol.  I wasn't planning on eating anything because the night before me and Angela decided to go for all you can eat hot pot and ate waaay too much, to the point where it was kinda painful.  Arby's was too tempting though since there are none in Richmond so of course I had to get curly fries.  Oh I had Qoola for the first time too!  Super yum.  I got some green tea and some original yoghurt and topped it with yoghurt chips, strawberries, honeydew, and raspberry sauce.  SO GOOD.  What else.  Oh we checked out the Animal Grossology displays that they keep advertising on the Beat (did you know that some frogs burp their babies into the world?), which was kinda stupid but fun to look at I guess.  There were a couple of games you could play and compete against each other (I won all of them).  Somehow we ended up in Toys R Us and pretty much just had way too much fun with all the stuff in there given the fact that we are way too old to be in there.

I left a bit later than I was planning too but figured if I drove a bit quicker it'd all be good.  Didn't quite work out that way.  It was rush hour when I was driving back so Knight street was packed.  On top of that it was raining and I saw (count 'em) FIVE seperate accidents today on my way to UBC.  I was 30 mins late to salsa class but turns out it was all good since they'd only been working on doing the basic anyways.  I picked up the spanish walk pretty quick and I think I've pretty much grasped how to transfer the whole hip movement-weight shift thing over to my basic so I got pretty bored and kept taking water breaks.  Our instructor totally lost track of time too - class is supposed to go until 6:45.  Normally we spend maybe 15 minutes on the warm up but we went all the way until 6:40.  He extended class until about 7 as a result though so today wasn't a total lack of learning.  We learned how to do outside turns, which I think are totally easier than inside turns because the guy basically pushes you through it, which involves way less thinking and reaction speed. 

After class I met up with some business week peepz to go over sponsorship and whatnot.  Took an hour but I feel a lot more clear on my role and what I need to get done.  Drove home, ate dinner, did my nails (see below), and watched the Office.  SO. GOOD.  (that's what she said)

Covergirl Electric Blue (it's more teal coloured) - I also painted my toes L'oreal Coral Me Wild but didn't take a picture.

Ok, goals for tomorrow:
- clean my closet (I shoved everything in my room in there on Monday because we had company over)
- good copy of sponsorship package
- work out
- get a haircut
- clean up my desktop

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