Friday, April 8

It's been a while

Huh, so I guess it's been nearly a year since I last posted!  Why am I back here?

1. I've been meaning to start blogging again.  I'm headed to Manchester to study at MBS in September on exchange (so. ex. ci. ted.!!!!), so I've been planning to document and share the experience here.  Plus I go to business school.  There's always someone, somewhere, be it during a lecture, conference, workshop, etc. telling you to "expand your online presence and engage in social media," and all that hullabaloo.  Which is certainly worthwhile, and is pretty much the reason I started up this blog last April (this blog = result of comm 299 brainwashing).

2. It's exam season. Exams means I have a greater urge to procrastinate.  Nothing exciting is going on on facebook or twitter, I've caught up on all my favourite blogs and on lookbook.... So here I am.

3. There is a guy sitting near me who I have no one to talk to about.  But he is driving me crazy. And not in a good way crazy.  Crazy as in a I want to stab him where it'll hurt (ie. his macbook keyboard thereby also destroying his hard drive).  Ok so I got to the library at about 11:30am and headed straight to the silent study room to do some intense studying (on the docket today: finance, stats, and religion ie. the exams I have this coming Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  Yes, hell is near), set my stuff up, and start studying.  People come and go, minding their own business while I mind mine.  Then around 12:30 I start noticing the sound of frantic clicking... Whazzadeuce?  I look back to see the source of the noise: some (insert lots of creatively inappropriate names here - I'm probably going to link this blog to my LinkedIn profile at some point and don't need future employers witnessing my sailor mouth in action) guy we'll call him, is franticly clicking his mouth playing one of those stupid games where you go around battling other armies or whatever.  I'm Canadian, I don't like to make waves, so I try to ignore the guy, thinking he'll stop.  Buddy doesn't stop.  10 minutes later I'm shooting him death stares, as is the guy sitting a few study kiosks down.  Buddy doesn't notice. Finally the other guy sitting across from him very audibly and purposefully picks up his stuff and migrates to another area of the room.  Buddy doesn't notice or stop.  I try to put up with it for another 10 minutes (I tried plugging in my headphones but it couldn't drown out the noise) but it got worse with him starting to loudly tap his foot the faster he killed his stupid whatevers. Ok, I'd had enough.  I got up and lightly tapped him on his shoulder and very nicely and politely explained that this room was meant to be silent and the people around him were trying to study and the clicking noise was very distracting, and if he could perhaps either move to another area of the library or stop his clicking noise.  Buddy said ok. 

....30 minutes later, the clicking started again.

Looks like he's taking a facebook break right now!! Time to get some quality studying in.  Will blog again after finals if I don't die from the stress!
